
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"-Try to find a Doctor." I was told...

Yep. After being 19 hours in a hospital with no care I decided it was time to go.
I wrote you 4 pages - front and back - but I don't have time to copy it now.
I have to ... find the doctor.
You gave me support while I was writing these pages. Thinking about you gave me strength.
I know you'll not understand nothing but here are the first and the last page.
I didn't remember that one is not entitle to present a good face while in hospitals. We must behave as if we were on the verge of death. Remember: when waking up never dress yourself or comb your hair. i went to a hospital but received a beauty care. "-You're beautiful." i was told. Big deal. I made no effort for this. I was born like this and it means nothing to me. Now I'm cncerned with my HEALTH. I came here because of this."
Thanks for nothing.
Gee! I'm nervous. Now another problem to handle: calming down.
Of course the problem is ME. I'm too... whatever they want.
I'll explain the details later.
Thank you all for "being there" with me. You were all on my mind.

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